The documentary film The Indian Wrecking Crew has begun production with a scheduled release in the spring of 2009. A project by by design2pictures, LLC, this film tells the incredible story of the Indian Wrecking Crew motorcycle racing team of Bobby Hill, Ernie Beckman, and Bill Tuman that, against all odds, took the post-World War II racing world by storm. The film utilizes in-depth interviews with the surviving team members, mechanics, family members, and competitors.
The Indian Wrecking Crew is a legend in American motor sports who’s story, until now, has never fully been told. The team at design2pictures is ready to change that. Through interviews, narration by Jay Leno, re-enactments, recreations, a plethora of memorabilia, and 8mm home movies provided by those who were there, the legend of The Indian Wrecking Crew comes to life.
This film would not be possible without the support and blessings of the 1940s-1950s racing family. This film tells the story of the machines, the races, and, most importantly, the families who raced and wrenched for the love of the sport in post-war America. To find out more about the film The Indian Wrecking Crew, go to
The Indian Wrecking Crew is the first in a scheduled series of films documenting the post-war motorcycling era in America. The Man and Motorcycles project will also document The Motorcycles of Daytona – covering the beach racing from 1938-1960; and The Enduros – documenting the emergence of the sport of enduro racing 1959-1969. To learn more about the entire Man and Motorcycles project go to