Classic German Motorcycles

Ready for Adventure: 1987 BMW R80G/S
Greg Williams | Photos Jeff Barger

Dave DeBaene's 1938 NSU 501 OSL
Dave Debaene

Pressed Steel Boxer: 1929 BMW R11
Alan Cathcart

Iron Pig Tour: Across the USA on a 1970 MZ ES250/2
Kim Scholer

A Little Fun on the Side: 1941 BMW R75 Sidecar
Dain Gingerelli

A Bigger Berm Basher: 1980-1986 BMW R80 G/S
The Motorcycle Classics Staff

Two-Wheeled Car: 1958 Maico Mobil MB200
Andy Westlake

Jeff Dean’s 1966 BMW R60/2
Jeff Dean

Flight of the Bumblebee: 1961 DKW Hummel 115
Hamish Cooper

More Green BMWs from the Past
Ben Beckley